Knowledge is power, and to know who are working on a site is more important than ever. With this, we welcome you to our page of introduction! Our group of porn experts feels glad that you are here, reading this, and you wish to know us better. It doesn’t matter if you are a returning reader of our site, or you just visited us for the first time it’s always nice to feel our work appreciated, and with you on this page, we are happy to be.
Our evaluation criteria
So, we weren’t exaggerating when we declared ourselves as porn experts, and this is good, and the lying ‘every site is suitable, so join’ types of articles, because we consider every aspect: we mention in our reviews the good and the bad too. There is no lying, no exaggerating and we won’t ever tell you to join a site if it’s not a good one. The truth, since we have been doing this for a long time, and we always do a thorough job. You can forget the outdated reviews, and the lying ‘every site is suitable, so join’ types of articles, because we consider every aspect: we mention in our reviews the good and the bad too. There is no lying, no exaggerating and we won’t ever tell you to join a site if it’s not a good one.
In our opinion a good porn portal has to fit the following criteria: first, the owner can be checked, and the company has a good standing, and it has every necessary information available to the public. Secondly, the contact details are real, and the owner or webmaster answers us at least in a week; we also check the customer support’s responsiveness – there is no point in recommending non-responding sites, which only have automatic and prewritten answers. We usually investigate the sites’ ranking, other reviews and the overall reputation among the Internet users.
Once we find everything we need and the site is accessible to us, we get to the hardest part: to test the site. We’ve got our designers who know what the best themes are, templates the biggest sites use, and they can tell if a site is modern or not, just by looking at it. We usually test the streaming and downloading options, especially the use of download managers, because some sites have terrible in-browser download speeds.
It’s about 80% sure that you have a smartphone in your possession, and also may have a tablet PC too, this is why we always test compatibility, and we do it thoroughly. The newest devices are all here; we also try to check the super-extra stuff too, like watching 4K HD scenes on a big screen. Try out the Virtual Reality sets and we test those Android TV-boxes and other streaming devices like the Roku.
What we do is hard, and with more than 50-60,000 porn sites out there we need to focus on the excellent ones. If a site made it to our reviews-archives, then you can trust it because it fits every criterion. As we try to work with only honest and trustworthy webmasters, we establish a good relationship with them, and we always get back to the investigated sites. We try to do it every week so that we can offer reviews always up to date.
Who we are
About us, there isn’t much to tell. We are just everyday guys and gals, doing the best we can while enjoying it too. We like the way porn I, and we warmly welcome the winds of change which blow nowadays. As porn gets friendlier it remains still sexy, but erotica, passion, and story are becoming important (again?) so everyone can find something he or SHE likes. Concerning our experience, we have been doing this for a good time. We gave up our average jobs as nurses, factory workers, officials and office robots and risked everything… and it worked out well.
We learned many things by doing this, but the most important are that everything is possible, you just have to do it. We did, and we were successful. That’s why we recognize in this field and our work the readers appreciate and the site owners too.
Do You want to join us? Or you just have something you want to ask? It’s easy to reach us, and we don’t bite, so don’t be afraid to contact us.